Monday, June 3, 2013

Current Needs List

Here at the the Chattanooga Community Kitchen, we serve over 180,000 meals per year, serving three meals every day to hundreds of people.  If you have any of these items sitting unused in your pantry or if you are going to the grocery store this week, please consider donating one of these items!

Immediate Needs

8 oz. Styrofoam Bowls
Styrofoam Plates
Plastic Forks/Spoons
Pasta - any size
Dry Milk

Ongoing Needs

Block Butter
#10 Cans of Fruit/Vegetables
Coffee Creamer
Cooking Oil
Canned Tuna
Lunch Meat
Sandwich Zip Lock Bags
Brown Paper Lunch Bags
Metal Forks/Spoons

Please bring donations to 727 E. 11st Street - drop off under the green awning.  Thank you for your support!

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